Industry, Academia or Education licenses are available
Windows Version Only
For prices, installation, and activation complete the form below
PopKinetics Add-on (2 stages Approach) now is included in the license price!
SAAM II v2.3.3 licenses are available for 1 or 3 years, depending on the prescription basis. The license is linked to the machine on a per-seat basis.
Notice for SAAM II Users who Purchased from The Epsilon Group
Effective January 2022, The Epsilon Group (Charlottesville, VA - TEG) officially discontinued all operations related to the distribution, installation, use, and support of SAAM II (version 2.3.2 and earlier) and/or PopKinetics. Consequently, TEG users may experience disruptions in SAAM II services on their devices.
Please note that Nanomath LLC is an independent entity and is not responsible for the terms and conditions set by the previous vendors. If you are experiencing disruptions with old licenses and want to use the new SAAM II v2.3.3, please contact sales to purchase a new copy from Nanomath.
Note on Minimal Models and other SAAM II models
Nanomath will not release specific applications of SAAM II when releasing a license, such as the minimal models for glucose-insulin parameters following clamps, IVGTTs, or OGTTs. Applications or specific models (if not published) can be obtained through contract research collaborations or contracts.​​