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Forum Posts

Oct 30, 2024
In SAAM II errors, warnings & tip
If you need to install SAAM II on a new machine, such as a new computer or to transfer it to another person after an employee leaves, you must DEACTIVATE it first on the original device. To deactivate SAAM II: 1. Go to the original machine. 2. Open the License Manager associated with SAAM II (usually found in the root directory, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\SAAM II 2.3.3\bin). 3. Choose option 3. Once deactivated, you can install SAAM II on a different machine. Without deactivation, the program won’t function on a new device. If you can’t access the original machine (e.g., if it’s broken or no longer available), please contact us for assistance.
Move SAAM II in another machine content media
Jan 18, 2024
In SAAM II errors, warnings & tip
SAAM II is generally stable and solid even with hundreds of compartments with very reasonable time for solving it (2-4 sec). When working with >100 compartments you may face some SAAM II issues: *Tables display 10 variables at the time -> to be fixed in the next version *To automatically define parameters, use the Eq window and define them there (maybe copy and paste from a text editor), instead of crowding the Parameter Manager *In dosimetry, you might want to have >10^6 precision -> to be fixed in the next version
Oct 09, 2023
In SAAM II errors, warnings & tip
Hey There, This one's a bit tricky but could be an easy fix... Sometimes, especially when dealing with help files from older versions of SAAM II in 2.3.3, you might encounter an issue where the file won't open and you get this message: "file has been damaged" Start by opening your file in a text editor (I personally use Notepad++). This will let you see the file's textual content. Without going into the nitty-gritty of each line (maybe that's a topic for another post!), I recently encountered an instance where a parameter wasn't assigned properly. Here's what I found: PARAM [blank space] was defined incorrectly as it can't be a blank space! Whereas below, PARAM Ffast was defined correctly. In this case, you can either manually add the parameter name "Fslow" or just delete that block, then save the changes. For context, in this specific situation, the user was working with a file containing over 100 compartments related to dosimetry PBPK. So, it was definitely more time-efficient to troubleshoot than to start from scratchew.
error while opening the SAAM files ”file has been damaged”  content media
Oct 09, 2023
In SAAM II improvements
Dear Mac Enthusiasts, Regrettably, we don't have plans to release SAAM II for Mac at the moment. But don't lose hope! Many of our users have found ways to run SAAM II on their Mac machines: 1. Install a Windows partition: Your IT team can guide you through this, but be aware you'll also need a license for Windows. 2. Use virtual machines or apps: While many of the stable options aren't free, we don't endorse any specific one. However, a quick online search should point you in the right direction. (And if any SAAM II users out there are using a particular app with success, please share your experience below!) Cheers!
Oct 09, 2023
In SAAM II errors, warnings & tip
Hi Ya, To switch your license from one machine to another - keep in mind that Nanomath's SAAM II is linked to the device, not the user - you'll need to: 1. DEACTIVATE the old license on machine A (let's call it the old machine). To do this, open the License Manager in your SAAM II folder and choose "deactivate". This step essentially frees up the program for installation elsewhere. 2. On machine B (let's refer to it as the new machine), you can then install it fresh. If your old device went missing or your colleague who had the license installed is AWOL - and you can't deactivate - hit us up, we can sort it out for you: NOTE: if you bought the license from TEG, refer to: 😀


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